First week (2-6 April):
Symmetry protected topological order and fracton order : Xie Chen (Caltech, USA) 6h
Introduction to fusion categories: Benoît Douçot (CNRS & Sorbonne University, France) 2h
Quantum Hall states and topological insulators : Kareljan Schoutens (University of Amsterdam, NL) 6h
Topological order and anyons : Steve Simon (Oxford University, UK) 6h
Anyon condensation : Joost Slingerland (Maynooth University, Ireland) 2h
Second week (8-12 April):
Engineering topological many-body phases with cold atoms: Monika Aidelsburger (LMU Munich, Germany) 2h
Topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes : Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University, NL) 2h
Topological quantum computation and quantum error correction: Benjamin Brown (IBM Quantum, Denmark) 2h
(3+1)d topological order: Clément Delcamp (IHES, France) 2h
Matrix Product State approach to the fractional quantum Hall effect : Benoît Estienne (Sorbonne University, France) 2h
Noise measurements for the characterization of anyons in the fractional quantum Hall effect : Gwendal Fève (ENS Paris & Sorbonne University, France) 2h
Generalized symmetries and dualities: Laurens Lootens (Ghent University, Belgium) 2h
Quantum spin liquids and frustrated magnets : Grégoire Misguich (CEA Saclay, France) 2h
Quantum groups and dualities: Vincent Pasquier (CEA Saclay, France) 2h
Basics of tensor network states: Antoine Tilloy (INRIA, Paris, France) 2h